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Berichten: 76 t/m 90 van de 142.
Aantal pagina's: 10
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Janet & Wouter
- A super web site, great to see where you are and what you are up to.
The sun was shining here today and it was the first warm day this year.
Janet & Wouter
Monique Routhier
- Louise
Great website, Looking forward to reading and seeing more as you go along. See you walking and talking!!!!
- Hi Louise and Hans!!
Enjoyed your new site. Great, artificial job. It really looks like Sakhalin, but climate on Sakhalin is better - not that much cold. Laughed a lot at Elk meat. 
Titia Hilhorst
- Dear Hans & Louise,
What a great website ! I see now why it took some time to finish it. I had a quick look now and I will have a better read during the weekend. It looks really cold there in FMM.
It is a beautiful sunny day (18 degrees), the Dutch flag is out because of Queens' day and tonight we'll have the Oranjebal. Theme is "Royal" so we will take all our jewelery out of the safe ...
Take care and warme groeten van Sachalin!
Nigel & Nat
- Louise & Hans
I just got your new web page link. Hope to keep reading about your adventures. Elks are always tough!. Still here in Sakhalin not for long
Best Wishes
Nigel & Nat
Ruth Emslie
- Lovely to have your mail pop up this morning in Sakhalin - it is one of those promising early spring days perfect for a hike! Alan & I returned here last week from leave, having spent 4 wonderful nights in St. Petersburg with Mia and Johann, where we were awed by the culture and had a lot of fun exploring. Your website is so interesting. xRuth

Ingrid en Arjan
- compliments for this rebranded site!
fijne koninginnedag morgen ? 
Iain in Berlin
- Hi Guys
Glad you`re having fun.
We visited Kuikenhof last weekend. Many people. Many tulips. Many people photographing tulips.
We had trouble getting out of Lisse afterwards because of the parade, which apparently is famous. Anyhow, on our way back to The Hague we kept finding roads blocked by Police bicycles . We kept doing U-turns and driving on smaller and smaller and narrower roads in a vain attempt to get out. Lots of people carrying chairs passing by...After an hour we managed to avoid the cops and made our escape....
Ive updated my website too and am currently uploading more pics when I have time.
We moved into our house in Van Panhuysstraat last week and it is very nice and quiet. We are enjoying The Hague more now because the weather is better...winter was Duuuuuuullll...
Im in Berlin at the moment overseeing renovations to our new apartment.
Bye for now
Iain and Maria
- love the new website. have added it to my favourites. will visit often

- Lieve Hans en Louise
Wederom een mooie site we hebben er samen even door heen gewalst
leuk om de spreuken er tussen door te zien en vooral de plaatjes van thuis. Tenslotte kijkt de hele wereld weer mee als het gaat om onze roots
wat ons op is gevallen is dat de foto's niet uit te vergroten zijn dit zou nog een verrijking zijn bij het kijken naar jullie site.
Verbaasd vooral waar het gaat om de veelzijdiheid die je kunt zien of het nu gaat om schrijven, dichten, kunst enz.. trots op jou als schone zus
En natuurlijk trots op Hans die als sponsor er toch voor zorgt dat jij dit allemaal kunt realiseren
groeten van de overwijkjes
- Lieve Louise
Geweldig je nieuwe site te zien !! Ik zal je binnenkort uitgebreid emailen - heb het nu nog druk met de logees. Bas en Petty blijven tot 5 mei. We genieten - t is erg gezellig! X Cisca
Pavlova Irina
- I can`t sent foto to you,give me your mail,please

Pavlova Irina
- Hello,Louise
Sorry,that we didn`t write to you too long(i`m talking about Luda and me...from Sakhalin:-))All the time we thought"maby later.."and now it`s time:-)
How are you?What are you doing in Canada now?Do you work anythere or work at home?And Luda asked if you painted pictures at home and added"Are you ride on dogs?"(I don`t understand what does that mean)but "..you will understsnd".she said too.We sent to you our foto.Nataliya & Victor Kovalevskie sent to you hello and best wishes...Sorry for possible mistakes.English isn`t my native labguage:-))Пиши письма,пакеда!!!
- Hallo Louise,
Per ongeluk dit gebeuren gevonden en reuze leuk om ze van jullie te lezen. Woensdag was ik nog bij Miriam en hebben we het nog over je gehad. Volgens Miriam heb je het wel naar je zin daar en zo te lezen gaat het allemaal goed met je. Wij zitten voorlopig in Nederland en dat is wel weer even wennen. Fijne tijd daar, groetjes ook aan Hans, Didy en Henk [Cape]
Vladimir Sizov
- Hello, Louise!
How are you going in your new place in Canada?
Today is the Epiphany in Russia. You can see today's Epiphany plunge in Yuzhno here: http://www.sakhalin.info/news/53725/ I hope you remember a lot and enjoy.
All is well, but this year is a little colder without one Dutch girl.
Berichten: 76 t/m 90 van de 142.
Aantal pagina's: 10
Nieuwer3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9Ouder
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